Knight Commander Helderr Damien
Race: Human
Age: 54
Damien was born in Kowal to poor parents and has worked his way up from being just a city guard to being the commander of the Red Guard.
Kowal, the Grey City, is a large settlement in the Eastlands. It is the capital of a city-state that claims a large swath of land along the Weron River. It was an independent city-state separate from Endamas and Uthgard until the latter part of 5707 when it joined the Uthgard Kingdom.
The city of Kowal has reigned over its barren lands in the East since the end of the Great War. Ruled by the Zadeku family for years beyond memory, the city has been content with its own business for hundreds of years.
The new banner of Kowal, instituted in 5707 after rejoining the Uthgard Kingdom.
Old Banners:
Banner of Kowal during the prominence of the Red Guard. The red background symbolized the power of the tower and its piety.
Kowal produces a lot of corn during the summer season, feeding its citizens, and allowing trade with our settlements. But it’s main export is metal. Before the great war giant foundries were established and Kowal provided much of the arms and armament for Uthgard. This factories and know how have survived, and Kowal’s factories work day and night smelting ore and producing metalworks for Tyr, Uthgard, and Endamas. While the roads in and out of Kowal are dangerous, they are guarded well for incoming shipments of ore and exported goods. It is a rough life in the factories of Kowal, but one can scrape by with a decent living by working in them.
There is the Steel Guard for the Baron’s household, City Guard for people, overseen by the Sheriff, and the Red Guard, a church-backed organization. Magistrates rule the court system and are appointed or dismissed by the Baron.
Weron River to the south. Lesh Forest to the East. Urtgen forest to the North West
The Kowal Library is a public library that allows any citizen access to books. They are always looking to purchase or find new or old books.
It is also home to the Society of Librarians.
The library of Kowal is many things to many people. It is a public repository of knowledge, free for citizens to peruse and read. It is the main printing press of the Eastlands, making books more readily available to all. And to a secret few, it is also a group that collects, catalogs, and experiments with magic.
The first floor of the Library hosts the public books, the printing press, and offices. The second floor holds the shelves of rare books and historical artifacts. Below that are the vaults and dormitories, their contents only known to the Society.
The Library of Kowal was formed by a group of monks who were once part of the Unelesia Church. As the church grew more rigid in their practices, the Library grew separated. As time went on, the Library became less and less involved in religious institutions.
Becoming a member of the Library costs 10 gp and a signature. The new trustee will be issued a bronze coin which will be imprinted with their fingerprint which they will also leave an impression for matching in the member’s book. This allows the member to check out a single printed book from the first floor, and to visit the top floor which holds rare and one of a kind tomes.
A large forest to the south east of Kowal.
M Bar, also known as Monster Bar, is a hidden pub in the Northeast part of Kowal.
M Bar is in the converted cellar of Etahn Belbane. Etahn was a merchant for many years until his traveling caravan was attacked by newly returning creatures. As his livelihood was wiped out, he picked up a bow and sword, and began to hunt the beasts that invaded his homeland. After many years of this, he hurt his leg, and settled down to retire.
He was not a person to sit still, so he converted his cellar into a trophy room, showcasing creatures, skeletons, and more from his many hunts. People came to see these oddities, and one thing lead to the next and he began serving drinks. It was nicknamed Monster Bar, but he shortened it to M Bar to not scare off potential clients.
He lives in the house above with his longtime partner, Lonald. Lonald is quite eccentric, often requesting people address him as Sir Lonald.
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In a city made unpleasant from ubiquitous dirt and toil, along with the ruling fist of the Zadeku family, a man named Marn Te’sterst, two generations ago, created an underground refuge for himself and his friends. At first, it was nothing more than a safe place to relax and enjoy themselves without having to worry about visiting tax collecting thugs—a place they could keep clean and stocked with spirits and games. Then, it became a place where a conspiracy was born to take down the Zadekus and other ruling elites, so that all of Kowal could be made more like the refuge…however, they never grew the courage to make a move. Now, two generations later, Marn’s grandson Jorl runs the refuge. To this day, they gather weekly to drink, play games, and talk of a revolution that never seems to get any closer to fruition.
Martyn Czemiel
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Challenge Rating: 6
Size: Medium
Initiative: +5
Hit Points: 31 (7HD)
Armor Class: 19, touch 16, flat-footed 14
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +3
Speed: 30
Base Attack: +5
Melee: Woe – legacy short sword +11 (1d6+2), dagger +11 (1d4+2)
Ranged: Crossbow +10 (1d8)
Special Attacks:
Abilities: STR 13, DEX 20, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 9, CHA 13
Skills: +8 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics, +4 Awareness, +1 Endurance, +1 Knowledge, +5 Persuasion, -Spellcraft, +0 Survival, +12 Thievery
Talents: Advantage, Blind Fight, Investigator, Stealthy, Weapon Dexterity
Special Qualities:
Environment: Kowal
Organization: Wanderers
Equipment: Spyglass, Legacy Short Sword, 2 Daggers, Crossbow, 12 bolts,
The head of the Wanderers in Kowal. Skinny, scarred, patch over one eye. Bright white teeth. Tyrian silks and leathers. Jewelry. Scruffy. Hair in a top knot, shaved sides – hair and eyes dark brown. Irreverent.
It is said that Martyn never said no to anything. Adventure, drink, food or … company. And he is just as open to those who want to join the ranks of the Wanderers. If you have what it takes, then he grants you your Coin with a wink. If you find you are not cut out for the road, Martyn will do his best to find you work among the many shops of the city of Kowal.
Martyn was a long time messenger for the Wanderers, traveling from Bordon to Olsztyn to Kowal. He even led some deep explorations into the old Aradan Kingdom, which is where he lost his eye. He claims a demon jumped up and bit it right out of its socket. But only after a mad bout of lovemaking.
He suffered an injury to his leg which made traveling much more difficult, so he settled down and took over the post in Kowal from his old mentor Terrin.
He was traveling companions with Biena, Grael, and Marc.
Adventurous, Loyal, Quirky
Legacy Items:
Woe – Short Sword – A sword made of Tritium, he named it Woe after he stopped adventuring. Critical range 18-20, +1 to hit and damage.
Bladeturner – Leather Armor – A suit of armor which was given to him as a gift from Marc. It is of masterwork quality, and is well worn and well taken care of. Damage Reduction 2 and +1 to AC.
Duke Mediev Zadeku
Mediev Zadeku has been the long time ruler of Kowal. Once he claimed the title of Baron, though he was actually the singular ruler of Kowal as a city state. The title Baron had been awarded to his family centuries ago, and they held the title in honor.
In 5707, when Kowal rejoined the kingdom of Uthgard, Kowal was given extended lands and Zadeku was awarded the title of Duke.
His son, Arnexi, was silenced by the wizards at Eredar. He holds a deep grudge against them due to this. For a long time he supported the Red Guard, who arrested and executed hundreds of so called heretics and witches.
He now has a grudgingly neutral relationship with the Ministry of the Arts, who took over this wing of enforcement for the Uthard kingdom.
Jan Melgrin
Merchant trader. Many different items importing and exporting.
Melgrin’s Warehouse is a small warehouse in the factory district.
An Uthgard governmental body, it studies magic and licenses the ability to use it.
It is divided between the Divine Academy which is run by the Unelesia Orthodox Church and the Arcane Assembly which is run by appointed officials and mages.
The Arcane Assembly mages are also called the Nulthari.