The Red Night

On Novro 21st, 5704 the Red Guard locked the city of Kowal under martial law. 

Due to overt activity of heretics and magic users, the Red Guard declared control over the city. A citywide curfew was instilled, as well as some house to house searches.

The Red guard led massive raids on multiple safehouses of “witches”. 


A mass exodus of the city as fear of being declared a heretic spreads though the citizens. The Red Guard struggle with the turmoil in the city as a group, nicknamed the Heroes of Dwarftown, disrupted a ceremony of burning some heretics at the Grey Court. Parts of the city were set on fire, the Baron publicly denouncing the Red Guard, and the apparent death of the Archbishop Gunderlan. 

Looking for a safe haven, many flee to Elmhearth, as news of a refugee camp and sanctuary spread.


The Squats

Small square buildings on the city’s edge were once the grand idea of the city to house newcomers as they settled in the city for jobs. Once they had earned some cash, these newcomers would move to another ward. As the city declined, this became a section of town that was neglected and forgotten. The Tower did not ever tax these dwellings, so they grew and became a ward in their own right. Now people live here to avoid the taxes and oversight of the other wards.


Uthgard is the kingdom of the North East lands of Atheles.

It is currently ruled by a young king, Gundram Baleband,  who has aligned himself with the Unelesia Church and the Orovari. The cold winters have left his people starving, and he looks to expand his powers to the South to gain farmlands and taxes.


Southwest – Duchy of Ornund



Verien was a young guardsman of Kowal. He was very charismatic, though he was often quiet and solitary. He was friends with Damien, Gunderlan, and Heilman, who all became powerful men in the region.

He disappeared when he was in his mid 20’s and none know where he went.


The Wanderers

About 500 years ago, while the world was yet reeling from the Great War, the Wanderers were formed in the city of Borden to help bring the people together again. They became known as saviors and heroes as they brought news, recovered old technology, and comforted people with hope for a greater good in a dark time. Now, the Wanderers still do much of the same, but as the lands have become less dangerous, they have started exploring deeper and deeper into the darker places of Uteria, bringing back horrifying tales and strange magical artifacts.

The Wanderer’s Coin

The Wanderer’s Coin


The Wanderer’s Coin

When a person is accepted into the Wanderers they receive the Wanderer’s Coin. This is shown at any Wanderer Guildhouse to gain access to a warm meal and a place to sleep.

Willem Godowsky

Willem Godowsky is a citizen and hero of Kowal.



Father was an acquaintance of Martyn. Family killed by a wild mage. Joined the Red Guard to make a difference. He recently saw a wizard heal a person hurt by a horse cart, and saw questionable stuff within the Red Guard making him reevaluate his views.

5606 – Joined with the heroes of Dwarftown and became un understudy of Roe. During the Catastrophe of the Greystone, Willem evacuated and saved many Kowal citizens. He does not remember the exact events, but he knows Roe is gone and hopes to one day reunite with his mentor.


  • Statistics: Crime 1; Danger 3; Economy 5; Law 4; Knowledge 3; Magic 6
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 121

The small village of Yorik is to the northeast of Kowal. It is a close knit community that is distrustful of Duke Zadeku. The village has been protected from sickness and famine by old Miss Hartley. They have a more moderate view of magic due to miss Hartley’s “use” of it.


Notable NPC’s:

  • Mayor Bram Hartley: Bumbling, but smart and happy.
  • Old miss Filla Hartley (Mayor’s Mother): Friendly, motherly.



Notable Places:

The Mother’s Milk – Tavern

Owner Gildenstern – Faun (flirtatious, warm)

Booker for adventurers.

Omfoodle’s Shop – General Store

Owner Vim Omfoodle – Elfling Family

Pleasant Iron – Smithy

Cal Hartman – Ex-guard. Dislikes Red Guard


Physical Description: Tall (7’), wide set angled eyes, dark hair, thin but muscular.

Personality: Serious.