Bizarre Bazaar

Bizarre Bazaar is an oddities and specialty shop located in North Kowal. The owner, Kabir Chaudhary, is a straightforward man who just wants a good deal and the best items. He is a hard man to barter with, but he is fair. He deals in contraband, with seemingly no fear for himself.

This three story shop is painting gaudy colors and has all manner of tapestries hanging from flag poles, beams, or plaster walls. The bright green front doors stand open and the smell of incense drifts out.

Inside fabrics of all kinds line tables, while more valuable looking items are behind glass. Everywhere you look strange things can be seen. A rat skeleton with the head of a fish. A moth three times the normal size skewered to a board. Skins from unknown creatures. Many containers covered in runes or symbols. Along the back wall, behind the counter weapons and armor hang from pegs in the warm wooden walls.

A man sits behind the counter, a broad smile flashing white and gold teeth under a healthy moustache. His thin frame hunches slightly, but his fingers and deft and seemingly in constant motion. His brown skin is extenuated by the garish colors he wears.

Welcome welcome my friends. Welcome to the Bizarre Bazaar.


Kabir Chaudhary
Kabir: STR 9, DEX 13, Con 10, INT 16, WIS 9, CHA 14

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