
Mort the Dwarf

Role in Story: minor NPC

Occupation: Leader of the Irregulars Mercenary Company


  • Pay Da Bills
  • Feels betrayed by the Baron.
  • Wants the Red Guard and Uthgard out of Kowal.


Physical Description: Large nose, eyes close together. Salt and pepper beard. Tattoo around left eye.


     Loud and boisterous. He fills the room with his voice and is unaware of how strong his personality is. 


He rubs his belly a lot while speaking.   


Morts parents left Greyhelm because the church did not approve of their love. His fathers settled in Kowal as dwarf town here was much more open minded. His one father got sick and Mort took up adventuring for money.

His adventuring group morphed into the Irregulars.

Internal Conflicts: Loyal to the people of Kowal, but not its political machinations.

External Conflicts: Wanted by the Red guard now.


Character Sheet:


  • Race: Dwarf
  • Age: 75
  • Class/Level: Fighter 3/Ranger 4
  • Challenge Rating: 6
  • Size: M
  • Handed: Right
  • Languages: Common
  • Initiative: +0



  • Hit Points: 51 (7 HD) DR: 2
  • Armor Class: 19, touch 11, 19 flat-footed (+5 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Natural, +1 Misc)
  • Saves: Fort +11 Ref +7 Will +5
  • Sanity: 54
  • Weaknesses:
  • Fears: Extreme weather


  • Speed: 30′
  • Base Attack: +7/+2
  • Melee: Longsword +11/+6 (1d8+4)
  • Ranged: Composite Shortbow (Legacy Weapon) +8/+3 (1d6+5/18-20)
  • Special Attacks:


  • Abilities: STR 19, DEX 11, CON 15, INT 11, WIS 13, CHA 9
  • Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +6, Awareness +7, Endurance +2, Knowledge +1, Persuasion -1, Survival +5, Thievery +3
  • Talents: Alertness, Call of Nature, Cleave, Expanded Critical, Rapid shot
  • Special Qualities: Favored Enemy, Favored Terrain, Fighter, Hunter’s Bond, Track




Longsword                                       1 4 lbs.

Chainmail (Legacy Armor)                        1 40 lbs. Special: +1 enhancement bonus to armor class, DR 2/-

Buckler                                         1 2 lbs.

Backpack                                        1 2 lbs.

Bedroll                                         1 5 lbs.

Caltrops                                        1 2 lbs.

Chain (10′)                                     1 2 lbs.

Grappling hook                                  1 4 lbs.

Hammer                                          1 2 lbs.

Lock (good)                                     1 1 lb.

Waterskin                                       1 4 lbs.

Healer’s kit                                    1 1 lb.

Composite Shortbow (Legacy Weapon) (2 lb.)


Total Weight Carried: 71 lbs.

Current load:         Light



Light: 116 lbs.

Medium: 233 lbs.

Heavy: 350 lbs.


Librarian Council member

Physical Description: Naru is 5′ 10″ pale skinned Uthgardian. He has a thick accent, his smile is disarming. He dresses in the style of the librarians, an embroidered Grey robe. 

Personality: He is a little short with answers, and you can tell he enjoys being clever.


Nerrahem Asylum

A place for the mentally troubled. It has a long history of abuse, tragedy, and even rumored to be haunted.

Northguard Inn

The inn is tall for a two-story building. Its stone walls have aged from the weather. The two large metal doors open easily into a large common room. A quick look around shows an assortment of people, and all the tables and chairs are taken, save for a round table in the corner, near the hearth.

Innkeeper Baralt (Commoner 1): Owner of the tavern. He is pudgy and a big beard hangs below a smile that splits his face.


  • Eggs, Jerky, and Potatoes  (5 cp)
  • Stewed Grouse and Turnip, Tankard of Mead (12 cp)
  • Millet Porridge, Mug of Ale (2 cp)
  • Stewed Sausage and Watercress, Tankard of Beer (12 cp)
  • Salted Crayfish and Barley Bread, Tankard of Ale (11 cp)
  • Pickled Mutton and Dried Lettuce, Tankard of Cider (7 cp)

Overnight prices:

  • Common room (3cp)
  • Bunk room with bed (1sp)
  • Bath (1sp)
  • Private room with 2 beds (3sp)


Nulthari is the name given to the mages who are a  branch of the Ministry of the Arts called the Arcane Assembly. They look to gain power over life, to end suffering and disease, and conquer death. Some see this as an avenue to power, others see this as a way to stop the pain of those suffering. They also claim to be able to commune with the dead, but many believe that they are only speaking with those of the Navirim or the Between.


In the 3rd Age the Nulthari were the advisors to the Warlock King and were the chief strategists of the invasions to the South and West (The Great War). They perfected extending life and healed many diseases that the people suffered. 

They also used ravaging magics to win the war leaving the world scarred.

In the 4th Age, the Nulthari are part of the Ministry of the Arts and publicly model themselves after the good parts of the Nulthari from the 3rd Age. Though in any institution power reigns and many within their ranks once again search for answers over life and death. They also seek knowledge of their ancestors’ destructive and powerful magics.


Orthodox Unelesia Church of Kowal

The Church is located in one of the most ornate buildings in all of Kowal, since the fall of the Greystone, the only building taller is the Duke’s Walled Tower. It is run by Archbishop Nicon Vassium, a new appointee from the head oft he church in Arnlord. He is a charismatic leader, though strict in his views and leadership. Many of the churches followers adore the new handsome leader, and attendance has almost doubled as of late.

The Church is now aligned with the Ministry of the Arts. It commands the Red Dragoons, sending them out to enforce the religious law of Uthgard.



The church was run by the Archbishop Gunderlan before the Catastrophe of the Greystone. He was a staunch advocate for the control of magic and a direct advisor to Baron Zadeku. He was badly injured during an uprising and was rarely seen in public afterwords. Many believe he perished that day or during the Catastrophe.


  • Statistics: Crime 1; Danger 1; Economy 2; Law 5; Knowledge 4; Magic 2
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral, Under Uthgard Aristocracy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 167


Notable NPC’s:

Krasmir Praks – Mayor, Loyal to his villagers. Dislikes Uthgard and Fort Utliest. Owner of the Pewter Pot. 

Venbon the Ferryman

Notable Places:

The Pewter Pot – tavern, apothecary, library, and inn. 4 stories: 1st is tavern, 2nd is rental rooms, 3 and 4 are private residences. 

Krasmir and Estera Praks – Owner

The wood of this inn is old and gray. Small lanterns fill the cramped but cozy hall. All tye walls, doors and shelves seem slightly off kilter, but this gives it a homey feel. A long bar along the back wall runs the length of the building. The shelves behind the bar are littered with bottles of all shapes. The rest if the walls have shelves lined with books. 

Estera has copies of the Creature Compendium I and a hand-made copy of the Creature Compendium II. 


Chicken eggs, Soft cheese, Apple; 3sp


Leg of mutton, Green beans, Strawberries; 4sp


Pork Sausages, Corn, Coarse rye bread, Rice pudding; 5sp


Duck eggs, Strawberries, Rice; 2sp


The Pewter Pot

The general store and black smithy

Olivera Vilkowske – Owner


60% purchase

100% cost

Piper’s Pub

Close to the Walled Keep and the Grand Circus, the Piper’s Pub is a well known tavern. It caters to all, though it’s menu prices are a bit steep. It has no sleeping quarters as no inns are allowed this close to the Duke’s Estate.


Statistics: Crime 3; Danger 2; Economy 6; Law 5; Knowledge 5; Magic 5
Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1

Size: Small Town

Government: Aristocrat

Economic System: Capitalist

Population: 1543 (Diversity: 98% Terran, 1% Dwarf, 1% other )

Radzyn is a well off smaller town on the bank of Stal Lake. It is best known for its river ship building and fishing.

Notable NPC’s:

Lord Garrot IV

Notable Places:

Trout Shack (Tavern)
Wade, Female Dworv

Tomart – Terran, Male, off-duty guard
Wearda – Teran, Female, farmer
Oswulf – Terran, Male, Hunter

Trout and Bitter Cheese, Ale 1 sp
Salted Pork and Bitter Cheese, Ale 1 sp
Bear Stew and a Pear, Ale 5 sp


Rusty Bucket
Egna, Owner, Female Terran
Bill, Cook Terran
Fina, Barkeep, Dwarf

Gery – Male, Terran, Merchant
Baldo – Male, Elfling, Farmer

Boiled Carrot, Mug of Ale (3 cp)
Boiled Sausage and Dried Lentils, Tankard of Cider (11 cp)
Pottage, Mug of Cider (4 cp)
Barley Bread and Blue Cheese, Mug of Bitter (4 cp)
Turnip Stew and a Beer (3 cp) (secret menu)


Behtrot’s Smithy
Jon Behtrotson

The Fallen Yew
Munda – M, Terran, Carpenter

Town guard and jail
Constable Geren – Portly, gruff, fair
Judge Yedda – Xenophobic, older, fair

Cow’s Shoe Cobbler


Wystan the Shipwright

The shipbuilders are wealthy and carry power.

The Sanctuary
Caretaker Eikan

It is odd that Radzyn doesn’t have a Unelesia church, but it has a small sanctuary of the ancient gods.

Red Dagger

A newer gang of thieves and mercenaries, run by Geiron. They are more violent than the Companions, and actively clash with many of the other unlawful groups of Kowal. Their base is in the Squats.

They do not call themselves the “Red Dagger”, in fact Geiron hates the moniker, referring to himself and his followers as “family”. Hewas quoted as saying “A gang will knife each other in the back, their lot is less than a bag of shite. But a family, they are bound by blood. Those are the ones who look out for each other.”

The nickname was given to them from the city guard, as they left a trail of knife wounds and stabbings as they grew in power. While Geiron dislikes the name, the other members enjoy the fear such a violent symbol creates.


  • Geiron – Leader. “Father”
  • Faira – Lieutenant “Mother”
  • Neel
  • Chibs
  • Tooth
  • Deek
  • Leera
  • Tom
  • Petna
  • Leon
  • Zan