
  • Statistics: Crime 1; Danger 1; Economy 2; Law 5; Knowledge 4; Magic 2
  • Highest Stat is 10, lowest 1 
  • Size: Village
  • Government: Mayoral, Under Uthgard Aristocracy
  • Economic System: Capitalist
  • Population: 167


Notable NPC’s:

Krasmir Praks – Mayor, Loyal to his villagers. Dislikes Uthgard and Fort Utliest. Owner of the Pewter Pot. 

Venbon the Ferryman

Notable Places:

The Pewter Pot – tavern, apothecary, library, and inn. 4 stories: 1st is tavern, 2nd is rental rooms, 3 and 4 are private residences. 

Krasmir and Estera Praks – Owner

The wood of this inn is old and gray. Small lanterns fill the cramped but cozy hall. All tye walls, doors and shelves seem slightly off kilter, but this gives it a homey feel. A long bar along the back wall runs the length of the building. The shelves behind the bar are littered with bottles of all shapes. The rest if the walls have shelves lined with books. 

Estera has copies of the Creature Compendium I and a hand-made copy of the Creature Compendium II. 


Chicken eggs, Soft cheese, Apple; 3sp


Leg of mutton, Green beans, Strawberries; 4sp


Pork Sausages, Corn, Coarse rye bread, Rice pudding; 5sp


Duck eggs, Strawberries, Rice; 2sp


The Pewter Pot

The general store and black smithy

Olivera Vilkowske – Owner


60% purchase

100% cost

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