We are funded! 290%!!

Thanks to everyone who made this happen! Dane and I are now working on fleshing out all the added characters and places that were added due to funding goals. I will be putting together new art orders for the added artwork at the end of the week. But things are moving quickly and the book should be out way ahead of schedule.

I am also getting the ball rolling on the next adventure in the series so we can have a full adventure path finished by 2015.

In addition we are sending out the adventure to have some out of house play-testing done. The beta should be ready by the end of the week. So if anyone wants a sneak peak at the adventure and wants to do a little testing, I will post details later this week.

Thanks again to everyone! And live the fantasy!


We need help coming up with an iconic name!

All roleplayers know what a Dungeon Master is, and a Vampire knows what a storyteller is. For us Pathfinders, a Game Master leads the way. But who weaves the story in Uteria?

Dane and I have been tossing around names for a while, trying to come up with a unique name for those who run our game. We want something that shows how our game should be run, and add a little flavor at the same time.

Uteria is a story heavy RPG, and our game master name should reflect it. We really liked Green Fariy’s name of Chronicler for their Of Gods and Heroes system, but we decided that our GM is not just chronicling the adventurers, he is helping the story be told. For the past few weeks, we have though about Story Master. But as Justin from Green Fairy games said, that sounds like we just slapped together Dungeon Master and Storyteller. And telling someone you are SMing tonight just sounds.. wrong. Then I though, maybe we just called the GM the Guide. But we haven’t found the right fit yet.

Finally I said, “Wait, I have a ton of creative friends. Let’s make them do the work!”. Ok, not really, but we would love your input.

So, if you want, help us come up with a good name for the GM, and we will give you a copy of our soon to be released Ferryport Adventures book with an original drawing in the front by me! If you are already getting the book, we will find something else very cool for you to have. I am sure we have something interesting around the office you may want. So get crackin’ on a thesaurus!

Thanks in advance for all the great (and one weird) suggestions we are sure to get!


The Ferryport Adventures – Kickstarter Press Release

Lone Wanderer Entertainment announces the launch of the Kickstarter for the book, The Ferryport Adventures.

Written by Michael Bielaczyc and Dane Clark Collins, the Ferryport Adventures is one part adventure, one part city guide.

Artists in the book include: Lindsay Archer, AL Ashbaugh, Michael Bielaczyc, Paul Bielaczyc, Sam Flegal, and Melissa Gay.


What is in the book?

The Ferryport Adventures will include two different books under one cover:Continue reading

Putting the final touches on everything for Jordan Con

Books, check. Presentations, check. Merchandise, check. Alcohol, check.

I think we are ready for Jordancon!

So most of the Lone Wanderer crew will be at the show and we will be launching the Elves of Uteria sourcebook while we are there! So here is the lowdown on where to find us:

  • The Creative Process Friday 2:30-3:30
  • Worldbuilding – The World of Uteria 2:30-3:30
  • The Launch of the Elves of Uteria sourcebook 5-7pm in room 716

Hope to see everyone there!


Holiday Update on the Elves of Uteria

The book is off to DC Fontana for the final edit! That means I have turned my attention to the artwork and I only have two “elven transformations” to finish!

I am meeting with the designer next week to start on the basic layouts.

Always getting closer.

Have a good Holiday Season!
