Famous Books

Encyclopedia Atheles

Journal of Jarin Plainswalker – A journal by the druid Jarin, while studying the elves of Atheles.

Shon Averett, Endamas Zoology – Studies by the Kowal Librarian Shon Averett.

Oharad, Cryptonombus of the Navirim – Oharad is quite knowledgeable in creatures from the Navirim, and his books are well regarded by hunters.

Elstram’s Experiences with Wildlife – I have heard that Elstram was quite a strange individual, but his detailed notes on animals are unequalled.

Wolfram Buhl, Buc de Megichen Teir – an Uthgardian book series detailing magical monsters. Wolfram learned the common tongue and translated his own books into it, which might account for some small discrepancies in the use of language.

Creaturi Obscuria – A comprehensive tome of creatures, compiled from many authors over the centuries. Copies can be found in most libraries across Atheles.

Zoological Encyclopedia – One of the oldest group of tomes which deals with fauna in Atheles.

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