
  • Kilter replied to the topic Ravaging in the forum Questions 6 years, 2 months ago

    This is useful. This came to me as I was working on a multi-level dungeon, and was wondering in the case of a room taller than ten feet and then another room under them that is taller than ten, so if it was pulling from a 10′ sphere around the caster that has nothing but stone (as enemy/allies are more than 10′ away). So in that case Barren would…[Read more]

  • Kilter started the topic Ravaging in the forum Questions 6 years, 3 months ago

    If a Ravaging mage chooses to deal damage to all living creatures in 10′, what happens if there are no living creatures in that 10′. Does it come from:
    A) the caster
    B) just from something in the Navirim
    C) does it switch to the 1 hp to 10’*mana cost
    D) nothing

  • If there are two bards in the party and both use inspire courage does it give +2 or is there only one bonus at a time?

  • Based off the map and the scale. it looks like it is; from kowal to Silverfall about 180 leagues, then Silverfall to Aerville is about 100 leagues. Then about another 510 leagues from Aerville to the Ruins of Talnor.

  • Kilter replied to the topic Creature Cards? in the forum General 6 years, 3 months ago

    Any thoughts on doing VTT tokens or top down view.
    Sagaborn Skeleton Token
    Top Down token

  • Kilter replied to the topic Creature Cards? in the forum General 6 years, 3 months ago

    I like the idea. It reminds me of the cards from D&D Chainmail or the Warhammer Quest game.

  • Kilter started the topic Rage and Sanity in the forum Questions 6 years, 3 months ago

    Would Rage effect a sanity roll, i.e. delay the effects of the roll or negate the Rage? Or is rage something that only effects DR and attack/Damage rolls?

    • Rage: As a free action, a barbarian gains +2 to
    hit and damage in melee attacks and Damage Reduction of 1 for 30 minutes.

    For clarification as I read it they get the +2 and DR 1 for 30 m…[Read more]

  • Kilter changed their profile picture 6 years, 4 months ago

  • Kilter became a registered member 6 years, 4 months ago