You can find more at the SagaBorn RPG website.
Under the Sagaborn rules, Mages are able to cast spells due to mana, a mix between personal energy, the energy from the environment around the caster, and energy from the Navirim, the dream world. They have a limited amount of Mana per day, though by ravaging or focusing, a mage may be able to cast more spells than their mana pool normally allows.
After 8 hours of rest, a spellcaster gains a base mana pool to pull from in order to cast spells. This provides casters with more freedom when picking how they cast spells each day than the standard method. This mana is based on two factors: (1) the character’s caster level and (2) their primary spellcasting ability score.
The following table indicates the base mana gained each day (after 8 hours of rest) based on the caster’s level.
Mana Pool Table 1: Base Mana per Day
Caster Level | Wylder, Luminar Mana per Day | Bard Mana per Day |
1st | 2 | 0 |
2nd | 4 | 0 |
3rd | 7 | 1 |
4th | 11 | 2 |
5th | 16 | 6 |
6th | 24 | 9 |
7th | 33 | 11 |
8th | 44 | 14 |
Spellcasters can also receive bonus mana if their primary Spellcasting Ability Score (i.e. Intelligence, Wisdom. or Charisma) is high enough. At first level, a player chooses their spellcaster’s primary ability, which all their bonuses are based upon. They can not alter this choice, unless they change a spellcasting class, such as changing from Wylder to Luminar, or Wylder to Fighter.
Most spellcasters in Uteria use Intelligence as their primary spellcasting ability; however, the story guide should feel free to allow the use of Wisdom or Charisma for the primary spellcasting ability if it makes for a better story or character development.
To determine your mana bonus, simply consult Table 2 and find the intersection of the row for your primary spellcasting ability score and the column for the maximum spell level your character is capable of casting.
Mana Pool Table 2: Mana Bonus (Based on Spellcasting Ability Score vs. Spellcaster Level)
Spellcasting Base Ability Score | Level of Spellcaster | |||
1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | |
12-13 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
14-15 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
16-17 | 1 | 4 | 9 | 9 |
18-19 | 1 | 4 | 9 | 16 |
20-21 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 17 |
22-23 | 2 | 8 | 13 | 20 |
To calculate your total mana allowed per day, referred to as your mana pool, just add your base mana to your mana bonus.
For example, a 5th level luminar with an intelligence of 17 would gain 9 extra mana points per day to add to her base mana of 16, for a total of 25 mana per day (assuming her base ability is intelligence).
Preparing Spells
A spellcaster can cast any spell that they know. They do not have to memorize or pray to gain access to the spell. If the spell is on their known spells list, they are allowed to cast it, as long as they have the mana to do so.
Learning New Spells
Since magic has been gone for so long, much of the knowledge and lore of spell casting has been lost as well. While being part of a magic group such as the Otari gives a better chance of expanding your spell knowledge, most spells are learned from ancient scrolls, or directly from other casters. One of the most common ways to learn is through Spell Sight, which is detailed later in this section. If a spellcaster receives spells at level up, their mana cost can not be higher than the spellcaster’s level. A spellcaster can learn spells higher than their level through Spell Sight.
Spell Sight: A mage can use Spell Sight to memorize a spell that he witnesses being cast from memory, but not a spell cast from a scroll or device. To successfully memorize a new spell, a mage must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell’s mana cost) immediately when he sees a spell being cast. If his Sight is successful, the spell can be recorded in the Luminar’s spellbook, or take a part of the wylder’s Spell Memory. If a wylder already knows the max amount of spells, they must forget one in order to memorize the new one.
Regaining Mana
Mana is the source of a spellcaster’s essence. As their Mana is consumed, it puts a strain on a spellcasters’ mind and body. Even though this may not manifest as actual damage or a condition affecting your character, try to think about this when roleplaying your character to add a layer of story to your gaming session.
A spellcaster regains their full mana pool (base mana and bonus mana) after a full 8 hours of rest.
Casting Spells
Each spell has a specific minimum or Basic Mana Cost. Spells are cast at their basic mana cost but can be modified by adding more mana. A mage can add 2 mana to any spell to add another die to the spell’s dice pool.
Example: Caedric casts Heal, which at its basic mana cost of one mana point, heals 1d8+1. If Caedric spends two mana points in the spellcasting, the spell does 2d8+1. He can do this until he is out of mana. The same rule applies for casting spells that have a dice pool for damage. For each additional mana point spent, the mage adds an additional die to the damage roll.
Armor and Magic
A mage can cast any spell in armor, unless the armor consists of steel or iron. Large amounts of iIron (including and steel) negate the drawing of magical energy in Uteria, and can harm the spellcaster if the two are combined. A mage can therefore, cast spells in armor, as long as the armor does not consist of steel or iron.
Spellcasters can carry and use iron or steel weapons, such as swords and daggers, etc., but not while casting spells. To prevent the weapons from disrupting their spellcasting, iron bearing weapons must be sheathed, dropped, or stowed away from contact with the caster’s skin. Special weapons, such as silver or obsidian daggers, or any weapon made of the very rare amarnium, which do not contain any iron, do not affect magic use, and can be held or wielded while casting magic.
Focusing and Ravaging – Ways of attaining more Mana.
Once a spellcaster has exhausted all her mana for the day, she must typically rest for 8 hours to regain it. However, if the need is desperate, a mage can actually attempt to pull energy for their spells from themselves or the world around them to continue casting, despite their lack of Mana.
There are two different ways of regaining mana after it has been spent. Resting and meditating are the best and safest ways to regain Mana, but sometimes a spellcasters find themselves in a situation where they need enough Mana for one last spell. If this is the case, then a spellcaster can either focus or ravage to gain more Mana. These are not common or safe ways to regain Mana, and they have consequences, either to the caster, or those around them.
Focusing – Wardens
If a spellcaster wants to pull energy directly from herself, she must Focus on her own life essence. Focusing requires concentrated effort to ensure that the spellcasters only use energy from within themselves, and do not accidentally draw the life force from any creatures or plantlife nearby. This philosophy is called warding, and in ancient texts some identified themselves as Wardens of the Lands.
Converting life energy in this manner is extremely dangerous and draining, and can cause great harm to the spellcaster. When casting a spell without sufficient mana, a spellcaster must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell cost). If he fails this check, he takes Mental Fatigue damage equal to the spell’s Mana cost. If he succeeds, he only takes half damage rounded down.
Roll a Spellcraft Check: Focusing DC = 15 + spell’s mana cost
Ravaging is a dark and violent act, even when a caster does it out of desperation, or by accident. If a mage is about to die, but must use magic to save his companions, he must make a tough decision to turn to such a desperate act. Other times a mage might make a careless mistake. If a warden mage rolls a natural 1 on his focus check and has a Spellcraft skill less than 10, he will accidentally ravage his surroundings, despite his best intentions. However, once a Warden has trained thoroughly and has a skill of at least 10 in Spellcraft (Skill plus ability modifier), he needn’t worry about this happening by accident.
Accidental Ravaging
When a Warden accidentally ravages, all creatures within a radius equal to 10 feet times the spell’s cost, take 1 hp of damage. However, if the same warden tries to focus again on the same day, before recovering their mana and fatigue, and they roll a 1 again and accidentally ravage again, all living creatures within a 10 foot radius of the caster will take physical damage equal to the spell’s Mana Cost.
Mental Fatigue
Mental Fatigue damage can be treated similar to non-lethal damage. It is not deducted from your current hit points, but a running total is kept. If at any point your Mental Fatigue exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious. Also, as long as a character has at least one point of Mental Fatigue, he is considered fatigued.
Mental Fatigue is also unique to other forms of damage; it cannot be healed using Cure spells. It only regenerates with time. After a full 8 hours of rest, all Mental Fatigue is healed and all mana is recovered.
Ravaging – Ravagers
Ravaging is a way to gain mana for those who do not concern themselves with where the energy comes from … as long as it is not from themselves. Once they exhaust their spell points, they can attempt to continue casting spells by drawing on the life force of all living things around them.
Ravagers have no need to concentrate on where the energy originates from, and no concern for what is harmed by their evil acts. When casting spells in this manner, all living creatures within a specific radius of the spellcaster take physical damage. At the Ravager’s discretion, one of the following occurs:
(1) All living creatures within a 10 foot radius take damage equal to the spell’s Mana cost, or
(2) All creatures within a radius equal to 10 feet times the spell’s cost, take 1 hp of damage.
A ravager’s act is instantly recognizable. Anyone within the circle feels their life essence drain from them, usually accompanied by a headache and chills. But even those outside of the affected radius are instantly aware. Small plants, such as grass and weeds, shrivel and turn black. Nearby surfaces of inhabited waters become become speckled with small dead fish. Insects become desiccated instantly, like a cicada’s molted skin.
When a caster Ravages, he rolls a D20. On a natural 1, he fails his casting check and will pull the Mana directly from himself, causing physical damage equal to the mana cost of the failed spell.
As Ravagers continue to perform these heinous acts, many experience physical changes to their appearance. The effects are subtle at first, dark bags under the eyes, a lingering cough, dry, or chapped lips; but they become more noticeable over time, displaying sunken or discolored eyes, sickly complexion, and dark veins running under their skin. Some scholars claim that tales of hideous twisted crones with greenish skin, long hooked noses, and warts were the result of ravagers who overused their powers. If you choose to play a Ravager, be creative with the effects of the magic, to make the character your own.
Ravage Points (optional)
Every time a spellcaster Ravages, on purpose or by accident, her appearance can change as well as how others perceive her. As you gain Ravage Points, you become corrupted and your appearance shows it. An adventurer can rid herself of Ravage Points by doing things that the Game Master deems as redemptive.
Ravage Points | Suggested Corruptions |
1-2 | No appearance change |
3-4 | Warts on face or nose, bags under eyes |
5-6 | Dark shadows around eyes, Bluish lips |
7-8 | Pale Skin, Slight showing of veins. |
9-10 | Hair becomes stringy or turns grey or white, gain cough. |
11-12 | Eyes become pale or bloodshot, fingernails elongate |
13-14 | Eyes sink, skin becomes pale and sickly, with a yellow, green or bluish tint. |
15-16 | Loss of weight, People feel uncomfortable around you. |
17-18 | Teeth become stained or rotten and some may fall out, .body stench |
19 | Stooped posture, pale skin becomes wrinkled or glossy. |
20 | Eyes become all white. Can not hide the aura of evil around you. |
21-30 | Hair falls out, skin pulled tight over bones.-1 CON |
31+ | For every ten Ravage points after 30 you permanently lose 1 CON |
0 Mana Spells – Zero mana spells can be cast at no cost to the mage
- Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
- Daze Creature loses next action.
- Ghost Lights Figment torches or other lights.
- Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft..
- Detect Poison Detects poison in one creature or small object.
- Ghost Sound Figment sounds.
- Mystic Compass The caster discerns north.
- Light Object shines like a torch for one hour.
- Magic Hand 5-pound telekinesis.
- Mend Makes minor repairs on an object.
- Open/Close Opens or closes small or light things.
- Minor Trick Small tricks or sounds.
- Resistance Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
1 Mana Spells – One mana spells have a base cost of 1 mana point
- Alarm Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
- Animate Rope Makes a rope move at the caster’s command.
- Blessberry Enchants 1d4 fresh berries. Gain +1 on attack rolls and +1 to Saving Throws
- Call the Wind Burst of wind causes 1d4+1, 25’ range.
- Calm Animals Calms 2d4 +1/level HD of animals, beasts, and magical beasts.
- Cause Fear One creature flees for 1d4 rounds.
- Charm Person Makes one person the caster’s friend.
- Chill Touch 1 touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.
- Dream Call Knocks unconscious, blinds, or stuns 1d6 weak creatures.
- Command One subject obeys one-word command for 1 round.
- Comprehend Languages Understand all spoken and written languages.
- Detect Snares and Pits Reveals natural or primitive traps.
- Detect Secret Doors Doors Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
- Detect Navirites Reveals creatures from the Navirim within 60 ft.
- Disguise Changes the caster’s appearance.
- Doom One subject suffers -2 on attacks, damage, saves, and checks.
- Endure Elements Ignores 5 damage/round from one energy type.
- Enlarge Object or creature grows +10%/level (max +50%).
- Erase Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
- Expeditious Retreat Doubles the caster’s speed.
- Fey Fire Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, etc.
- Feather Fall Objects or creatures fall slowly.
- Grease Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.
- Harm Touch, 1d8 +1 damage.
- Heal Heals 1d8 +1/level damage (max +5).
- Healberry Enchants 2d4 fresh berries, bestowing the ability for each to cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours for any one creature). Eating one also provides the sustenance of an entire meal.
- Hold Portal Holds door shut.
- Hypnotism Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures.
- Identify Determines single feature of magic item.
- Imbue Staff Caster’s staff gains +1 to hit and +1 damage, or gains +1 to hit and 1d4 subdual damage. Lasts 4 hours.
- Invisible Minion Creates invisible force that obeys the caster’s commands.
- Invisibility to Animals Animals can’t perceive one subject/level
- Invisibility to Navirites Creatures from the Navirim can’t perceive one subject/level.
- Jump Subject gets +30 on Jump checks.
- Mage Fire 1d4 fire damage. Cone of 15′ x 15′(max: 5d4).
- Mage Bolt 1d4+1 damage which always hits the target.
- Magic Acorn The acorn or other plant seed gain damage 1d6+1, plus ensnare target for 1d3 rounds.
- Magic Stone Three stones gain +1 attack, deal 1d6+1 damage.
- Magic Weapon Weapon gains +1 bonus for one hour/caster level.
- Message Whispered conversation at distance.
- Nigel’s Energy Transfer Transfer mana to another mage.
- Fog Cover Fog surrounds the caster.
- Pass without Trace One subject/level leaves no tracks.
- Ray of Enfeeblement Ray reduces Str by 1d6 points +1 point.
- Reduce Object or creature shrinks 10%/level (max 50%).
- Remove Fear +4 on saves against fear for one subject.
- Sanctuary Opponents can’t attack the caster, and the caster can’t attack.
- Shield Invisible disc gives cover and blocks mage bolts.
- Shocking Grasp Touch delivers 1d8 +1 electricity.
- Silent Image Creates minor illusion of the caster’s design.
- Sleep Put 2d4 HD of creatures into comatose slumber.
- Snare Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius circle.
- Spider Climb Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
- Summon Creature I Calls outsider to fight for the caster for 4 rounds.
- True Strike Adds +20 bonus to the caster’s next attack roll.
- Ventriloquism Throws voice for 1 min./level.
- Xavian’s Warding Armor Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
3 Mana Spells – Three mana spells have a base cost of 3 mana point
- Aid +1 attack, +1 on saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hit points.
- Alter Self As change self, plus more drastic changes.
- Animal Messenger Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.
- Animal Trance Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals.
- Arcane Lock Magically locks a portal or chest.
- Barkskin Grants +3 natural armor bonus (or higher).
- Blindness/Deafness Makes subject blind or deaf.
- Blur Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
- Bull’s Strength Subject gains 1d4+1 Str for 1 hr./level.
- Cat’s Grace Subject gains 1d4+1 Dex for 1 hr./level.
- Call Element Element of Choice is summoned dealing 2d6 damage to every creature in 15’ radius.
- Chill Metal Cold metal damages those who touch it.
- Continual Flame Makes a permanent, heatless torch.
- Darkness 20-ft. radius of supernatural darkness.
- Darkvision See 60 ft. in total darkness.
- Daylight 60-ft. radius of bright light.
- Delay Poison Prevents the poison from harming the subject for 1 hour/level.
- Detect Thoughts Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.
- Energy Arrow Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage of the chosen energy for 1 round + 1 round/three levels.
- Endurance Gain 1d4+1 Con for 1 hr./level.
- Find Traps Notice traps as a rogue does.
- Fire Trap Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage.
- Flaming Sphere Rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
- Fog Cloud Fog obscures vision
- Force Target is hit by an invisible blow, knocking it back 1d6 feet and doing 1d4 damage.
- Gentle Repose Preserves one corpse.
- Glitterdust Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.
- Heat Metal Hot metal damages those who touch it.
- .Hold Creature Holds one creature helpless; 1 round/level.
- Invisibility Subject is invisible for 10 min./level or until it attacks.
- Knock Opens locked or magically sealed door.
- Lesser Restoration Dispels magic ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.
- Levitate Subject moves up and down at the caster’s direction.
- Locate Object Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
- Minor Image As silent image, plus some sound.
- Mirror Image Creates decoy duplicates of the caster (1d4 +1/three levels,max 8).
- Misdirection Misleads divinations for one creature or object.
- Nigel’s Sacrificial Energy Convert Hit Points to Mana and transfer it to another mage.
- Obscure Object Masks object against divination.
- Protection from Arrows Subject immune to most ranged attacks.
- Protection from the Never All in a 10’ radius of charm gain +1 vs Creatures from the Navirim, or protection from scrying through dreams.
- Pyrotechnics Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
- Remove Paralysis Frees one or more creatures from paralysis, hold, or slow.
- Resist Elements Ignores 12 damage/round from one energy type.
- Scare Panics creatures up to 5 HD (15-ft. radius).
- See Invisibility Reveals invisible creatures or objects.
- Shatter Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
- Shield Other The caster takes half of subject’s damage.
- Silence Negates sound in 15-ft. radius.
- Sound Burst Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them.
- Soften Earth and Stone Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.
- Speak with Animals The caster can communicate with natural animals.
- Summon Creature II Calls outsider to fight for the caster.
- Syn’s Unstoppable Laughter Subject loses actions for 1d3 rounds
- Trap Makes item seem trapped.
- Web Fills 20-ft-radius spread with sticky spider webs.
- Whispering Wind Sends a short message one mile/level.
- Wood Shape Rearranges wooden objects to suit the caster.
- Zone of Truth Subjects within range cannot lie.
5 Mana Spells – Five mana spells have a base cost of 5 mana points
- Animate Dead Creates undead skeletons and zombies.
- Bestow Curse -6 to an ability; -4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
- Blindness/Deafness Makes subject blind or deaf.
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.
- Contagion Infects subject with chosen disease.
- Continual Flame Makes a permanent, heatless torch.
- Daylight 60-ft. radius of bright light.
- Disconnect A spellcaster uses this spell to sever their ties to their body. They feel no pain, no remorse, often focusing on the last thing they thought of before casting the spell.
- Dispel Magic Cancels magical spells and effects.
- Displacement Attacks miss subject 50%.
- Dominate Animal Subject animal obeys silent mental commands.
- Explosive Runes Deals 6d6 damage when read.
- Fiery Arrows Shoots four flaming bolts (4d6 damage).
- Fly Subject flies at speed of 90.
- Fireball 5d6 damage, 20-ft. radius.
- Gaseous Form Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.
- Gentle Repose Preserves one corpse.
- Glyph of Warding Inscription harms those who pass it.
- Greater Magic Weapon One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 bonus to attack and damage per three caster levels (max +5)
- Gust of Wind Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
- Halt Immobilizes subject for 1 round/level.
- Haste Extra partial action and +4 AC.
- Hold Person Holds one person helpless; 1 round/level.
- Illusory Script Only intended reader can decipher.
- Invisibility Purge Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level.
- Invisibility Sphere Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible.
- Keen Edge Doubles normal weapon’s threat range for 10 min. per caster level.
- Lightning Bolt Electricity deals 5d6 damage.
- Locate Object Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
- Arcane Guard Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement/three levels.
- Major Image As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
- Protection from Negative Energy Subject resists level and ability drains.
- Neutralize Poison Detoxifies venom in or on subject.
- Nondetection Hides subject from divination, scrying.
- Obscure Object Masks object against divination.
- Phantom Steed Magical horse appears for 1 hour/level.
- Plant Growth Grows vegetation, improves crops.
- Poison Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min.
- Protection from Elements Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy.
- Protection from Ravaging 10’ Radius that ravaging effects can not penetrate.
- Remove Blindness/Deafness Cures normal or magical conditions.
- Remove Curse Frees object or person from curse.
- Remove Disease Cures all diseases affecting subject.
- Searing Light Ray deals 2d8, +4 against undead.
- Secret Page Changes one page to hide its real content.
- Shrink Item Object shrinks to one-twelfth size.
- Storm Hampers vision and movement in outdoor area.
- Slow One subject/level takes only partial actions, -2 AC, -2 melee rolls.
- Spike Growth Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed.
- Snare Creates a magical booby trap.
- Stinking Cloud Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
- Stone Shape Sculpts stone into any form.
- Stunning Trap Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader.
- Suggestion Compels subject to follow stated course of action.
- Summon Creature III Calls outsider to fight for the caster.
- Tongues Speak any language.
- Vampiric Touch Touch deals 2d6, caster gains damage as hp.
- Water Breathing Subjects can breathe underwater.
- Water Walk Subject treads on water as if solid.
- Wind Wall Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
7 Mana Spells – Seven mana spells have a base cost of 7 mana points
- Arcane Eye Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.
- Bestow Curse -6 to an ability; -4 on attacks, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
- Charm Monster Makes monster believe it is the caster’s ally.
- Confusion Makes subject behave oddly for 1 round/level.
- Contagion Infects subject with chosen disease.
- Detect Scrying Alerts the caster of magical eavesdropping.
- Dimensional Anchor Bars extradimensional movement.
- Discern Lies Reveals deliberate falsehoods.
- Dismissal Forces a creature to return to the Navirim on successful Heroic Action – Caster primary ability vs will.
- Dispel Magic Cancels magical spells and effects.
- Dreamwalk A spellcaster can bring their waking consciousness into the Navirim during sleep.
- Emotion Arouses strong emotion in subject.
- Fear Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.
- Fire Shield Creatures attacking the caster take fire damage; the caster is protected from heat or cold.
- Fire Trap Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage.
- Flame Strike Smites foes with fire for 8d6.
- Freedom of Movement Subject moves normally despite impediments.
- Greater Magic Weapon +1 bonus/three levels (max +5).
- Hallucinatory Terrain Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, etc.).
- Ice Storm Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
- Illusory Wall Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
- Improved Invisibility As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible.
- Lesser Geas Commands subject of 7 HD or less.
- Locate Creature Indicates direction to familiar creature.
- Minor Globe of Invulnerability Stops spells of lower cost.
- Neutralize Poison Detoxifies venom in or on subject.
- Phantasmal Assassin Fearsome illusion attacks one subject and deals 3d6 damage.
- Poison Touch deals 1d10 Con damage, repeats in 1 min.
- Polymorph Other Gives one subject a new form.
- Polymorph Self The caster assumes a new form.
- Quench Extinguishes non-magical fires.
- Rainbow Pattern Lights prevent 24 HD of creatures from attacking or moving away.
- Repel Vermin Insects, spiders, rodents, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.
- Remove Curse Frees object or person from curse.
- Resilient Sphere Force globe protects but traps one subject.
- Restoration Restores level and ability score drains.
- Rusting Grasp The caster’s touch corrodes iron and alloys.
- Scrying Spies on subject from a distance.
- Sending Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.
- Shape Nature Mage asks natural object to change form. Must be a raw item.
- Shape the Weather A caster uses a verbal component to change the weather slightly.
- Shout Deafens all within cone and deals 2d6 damage.
- Sleet Storm Hampers vision and movement.
- Solid Fog Blocks vision and slows movement.
- Spell Immunity Subject is immune to one spell/four levels.
- Spiked Stones Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be slowed.
- Stoneskin Stops blows, cuts, stabs, and slashes.
- Summon Creature IV Calls outsider to fight for the caster.
- Tongues Speak any language.
- Void Tentacles 8d4 +2 tentacles grapple randomly within 15 ft.
- Wall of Fire Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 +1/level.
- Wall of Ice Ice plane creates wall with 15 hp +3/level, or hemisphere can trap creatures inside.
Examples of Summoned Creatures:
Summoned creatures are not actually living creatures, but instead manifestations of the mage’s power. They have the same powers, but may manifest in different forms to match the casters personality or desires. If the caster wish, it can also take the form of an elemental type creature.
Imp (Demon), Wolf, Fox, Large Cat
HP | AC | Initiative | Attacks | HD | Spell |
6 | 15 | 2 | (2) +1 1d4 | 2 | Summon Creature I |
12 | 16 | 3 | (2) +2 1d4+2 | 3 | Summon Creature II |
16 | 17 | 4 | (2) +3 1d6+1 | 4 | Summon Creature III |
House Rules (D20 and Pathfinder) |
Mages (full-caster classes):
In this system, clerics and wizards are prepared casters, oracles and sorcerers are spontaneous casters, and bards, druids, and witches can choose to be either spontaneous or prepared casters. Class features are mostly unchanged, except as follows:
– Spontaneous casters gain spells known as a sorcerer of their level. Spontaneous casters can choose to use either Wis or Cha as their primary casting stat; once chosen, this cannot be changed. In addition, at the indicated levels, characters gain one or more bonus spells based on their spellcasting class: Druids learn either the summon nature’s ally spells or the druid spells listed below (in addition to the spells from their domain, if they choose that version of Nature Bond), oracles learn spells from their mystery, sorcerers learn bloodline spells, and witches learn the spells granted by their patron. These bonus spells are gained at 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th, rather than the sorcerer’s normal delayed progression.
The bonus spells available to druids include either the summon nature’s ally spells or speak with animals (1st), barkskin (2nd), speak with plants (3rd), aspect of the stag (4th), wall of thorns (5th), transport via plants (6th), creeping doom (7th), animal shapes (8th), and world wave (9th).
Spontaneous casters have an ability called sorcery, which allows them to modify their spells on the fly, expending more (or occasionally less) spell energy to change the parameters of a specific spell. For instance, a sorcerer who casts fireball as a 5th level spell can have the explosion send creatures flying, while a sorcerer who casts detect thoughts as a 5th level spell can probe deeply into his subject’s mind instead of just detecting surface thoughts.
Spontaneous casters gain Eschew Materials as a bonus feat at 1st level. They also ignore the normal prerequisites for the Spell Perfection feat; if they do not have any metamagic feats upon taking it, they can instead permanently modify one spell of their choice with the Extend Spell, Reach Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell feat.
All spontaneous casters have average BAB and d8 HD (as a rogue of their level). They have simple proficiency with all weapon groups, martial proficiency with a single weapon group of their choice, and proficiency with light armor and shields (but not tower shields). They can cast spells in light armor without incurring the normal chance of arcane spell failure, but shields and medium or heavy armor inflict the normal risk of arcane spell failure. Druids must still abide by their spiritual oaths.
– Prepared casters must prepare their daily spell selection (including metamagic feats) using the spells per day of a wizard of their level (including bonus spells due to domain, school specialization, or patron), and gain spells in their spellbook or familiar as a wizard or witch of their level, with the ability to learn additional spells as normal. Prepared casters can choose to use either Int or Wis as their primary casting stat; once chosen, this cannot be changed. In addition, at the indicated levels, characters learn a bonus spell based on their spellcasting class: Clerics learn the spells from each of their domains, druids learn the summon nature’s ally spells (and their domain spells, if they have chosen a domain as their Nature Bond), witches learn the spells granted by their patron, and wizards learn a spell from their specialized school. Spellcasters who do not normally have a familiar or spellbook gain a spellbook by default, but can choose the Obtain Familiar feat as one of their feats known; druids usually have familiars and clerics typically have spellbooks (that double as holy texts), but this is not mandatory. All prepared spellcasters gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat at 1st level, and qualify for the Spell Mastery feat as a wizard of their caster level.
Prepared casters have poor BAB and d6 HD, and have simple proficiency with all weapon groups. They are not proficient with any armor or shield and incur spell failure chance when wearing any type of armor or using a shield.
All full spellcasters (including bards, clerics, druids, oracles, sorcerers, witches, and wizards) have free access to the Bard, Cleric, Druid, Oracle, Sorcerer/Wizard, and Witch spell lists. There is no distinction between arcane and divine magic. If a spell appears at different levels on more than one spell list, assume it has the lower spell level (exception: Bard spells are weird. Check with me first if you’re looking at a spell from the Bard list.)
All spellcasters have 4 + Int mod spell points per level, good Will saves, and poor Fortitude and Reflex saves.
Multiclassing between different full-casting classes of the same type (prepared or spontaneous) increases caster level (including spells known, bonus spells known, spells per day, and so forth) on a one-for-one basis, rather than granting a secondary spellcasting progression.
Multiclassing between spontaneous and prepared casting classes is not possible. (I’ll come up with a specific reason why later.)
Most 1st-level domain and bloodline abilities that would normally be usable a limited number of times per day are instead usable at will. This does not include the necromancer’s Power Over Undead ability, however.
New feats increase a multiclassed character’s class features on a limited basis–for example, Advanced Bloodline lets a character treat their sorcerer level as 4 levels higher (to a maximum of their total character level) to determine what bloodline powers they have access to and the effectiveness of those powers. These include Advanced Bloodline (bloodline powers, but not bonus feats), Advanced Channel Energy (improve damage dealt or healed), Boon Companion (animal companion or familiar level), Improved Revelation (the effectiveness of your revelations), and Improved Wild Shape (wild shape). In all cases, these increase your effective class level by 4 (to a maximum of your total character level) to determine the effectiveness of the appropriate class feature.
Miscellaneous changes:
Spell school changes:
Conjuration: Remove trap the soul, all planar ally spells, and all Conjuration (healing) spells.
Enchantment: Add cause fear, scare, fear, and symbol of fear.
Evocation: Remove consecrate, desecrate, and cleanse. Evocation spells that deal energy damage ignore SR.
Necromancy: Remove cause fear, scare, fear, and symbol of fear. Add all Conjuration (healing) spells, consecrate, desecrate, trap the soul, and cleanse.
Specific spell changes:
0-level attack spells (acid splash, ray of frost, disrupt undead) add ½ caster level to the damage dealt. Add electric jolt, ray of fire, and sonic beam to the list of 0-level evocation spells (close-range ranged touch attacks, 1d3 damage, dealing electricity, fire, and sonic damage, respectively).
Arcane mark can create writing in any script the caster can speak. This writing can appear in any color the caster wishes, and can even glow if desired (enough to be legible in the dark, but not enough to illuminate an area.) The mage must speak and write the text to make it appear; if he has the Silent Spell and/or Still Spell feats, then he can remove the need to speak and/or physically write the text. The mage can cause this arcane text to appear as quickly as he could normally write it. Each mage can also write his own personal rune with this spell, and only that individual can create that particular rune. If a mage tries to create another’s rune, then the mark twists itself into the shape of the caster’s own mark in only a few seconds. This spell otherwise functions as normal.
Animate dead does not have the [evil] descriptor.
Commune, discern location, divination, legend lore, and vision can use the following modified components if desired: V, S, M (black lotus powder worth 250 gp). The caster must inhale the black lotus powder when casting the spell, suffering the full effects of the drug. Legend lore requires the caster to spend the casting time in a drug-induced, dream-filled sleep-state (amplifying and extending the effects of the material component), at the end of which time he awakens with the relevant knowledge.
Fireball, lightning bolt, cone of cold, and all other cold/electricity/fire-based damage dealing spells have versions corresponding to each energy type (cold, electricity, and fire) which may be learned separately–i.e. lightning ball, cold bolt, and cone of fire, for instance. Spells that deal acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage ignore SR.
Magic vestment, magic weapon and greater magic weapon can be used to add special properties to equipment, instead of simply increasing the enhancement bonus. Each special property uses up an amount of enhancement bonus equal to its cost. For instance, a spellcaster could use magic weapon to add the flaming property to a sword.
Magic circle against evil/good/etc. and protection from evil/good/etc. are no longer alignment-specific.
Raise dead, resurrection, and true resurrection cannot be cast by ordinary mortals. Outsiders and dragons can still cast these spells as normal, and spell-like abilities that duplicate the effects of these spells still function as normal. Breath of life, miracle, wish, and similar high-level magic can still restore creatures to life, as described in those spells’ descriptions.
Scrying requires either a mirror, a crystal ball, or the smoke of special hallucinogenic herbs (as per visions, from Conan).
Telekinesis is replaced by telekinetic force (3rd level) and telekinetic maneuver (4th level).
Teleport can only teleport the caster (and any additional creatures) from one waystone to another. Getaway, greater teleport, word of recall and other teleportation spells are not subject to this limitation.
Rituals: Certain spells—those with long casting times—are classified as Rituals. Prepared casters automatically learn one Ritual per level, in addition to the two free spells they normally gain. Spontaneous casters can learn Rituals from scrolls, spellbooks, or other mages, and these spells do not count against their normal limit of spells known. The following spells are considered Rituals:
0- Mending
1st- Alter winds, Bless water, Curse water, Restful sleep
2nd- Ancestral communion*, Animal messenger, Augury, Create treasure map, Deathwine*, Eagle eye, Fire trap
3rd- Blood biography, Clairaudience/clairvoyance, Create food and water, Glyph of warding, Guiding star, Hide campsite, Illusory script, Irrisen mirror sight*, Lesser dream†, Lover’s vengeance*, Make whole, Nap stack, Oneiromancy†, Phantom steed, Rune of durability*, Secret page, Sepia snake sigil, Speak with dead
4th- Arcane eye, Divination, Grove of respite, Hallucinatory terrain, Imbue with spell ability, Lesser planar ally, Lesser planar binding, Minor creation, Reincarnate, Restoration, Sacrifice*, Scrying, Secure shelter, Sending, Shadow projection, Traveling dream*
5th- Atonement, Awaken, Break enchantment, Commune, Commune with nature, Contact other plane, Dream, Hallow, Mage’s private sanctum, Major creation, Mark of justice, Nightmare, Phobetor†, Prying eyes, Raise dead, Secret chest, Symbol of pain, Symbol of sleep, Unhallow
6th- Contingency, Create undead, Geas/Quest, Getaway, Greater glyph of warding, Guards and wards, Heroes’ feast, Ironwood, Liveoak, Move earth, Planar ally, Planar binding, Spellstaff, Stone tell, Symbol of fear, Symbol of persuasion, Sympathetic vibration, Unconscious agenda*
7th- Control weather, Greater dream†, Greater restoration, Recorporeal incarnation*, Resurrection, Simulacrum, Symbol of stunning, Symbol of weakness, Teleport trap*, Vision of Lamashtu*
8th- Antipathy, Binding, Clone, Create greater undead, Demand, Discern location, Greater planar ally, Greater planar binding, Greater prying eyes, Screen, Symbol of death, Symbol of insanity, Sympathy
9th- Astral projection, Elemental swarm, Summon elemental steed*, Teleportation circle, True resurrection
Spells in italics are from the Advanced Player’s Guide. Spells marked with a * are from Archives of Nethys (, and spells marked with a † are from the Dream Magic supplement. Additional spells may be added as new supplements come out or characters create their own.
New spells:
1 Light rejuvenation 1
2 Moderate rejuvenation 2
3 Serious rejuvenation 3
4 Critical rejuvenation 4
5 Mass light rejuvenation
6 Mass moderate rejuvenation
7 Mass serious rejuvenation
8 Mass critical rejuvenation
9 n/a
Light rejuvenation
School: Necromancy (healing); Level 1
Casting time: 1 minute (Ritual)
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute
Saving throw: Will negates (harmless); Spell resistance: Yes (harmless)
The target gains fast healing 1 for the duration of the spell. Unlike cure spells, this healing applies to lethal and nonlethal damage alike.
Light rejuvenation, mass
School: Necromancy (healing); Level 5
Range: Close (25′ + 5’/2 levels)
Target: one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30′ apart
Duration: 1 minute + 1 rd/level
As light rejuvenation, except as noted above.
Moderate rejuvenation
School: Necromancy (healing); Level 2
As light rejuvenation, but the target gains fast healing 2 for the duration of the spell.
Moderate rejuvenation, mass
School: Necromancy (healing); Level 6
As mass light rejuvenation, except as noted above.
New spells (from Psionics Unleashed; all scale with level rather than requiring augmentation):
1st- Bite of the wolf, Claws of the beast, Conceal thoughts, Control flames, Control light, Demoralize, Empathy, Matter agitation, Mindlink (no augmentation), Missive, Sense link, Stomp
2nd- Chameleon, Detect hostile intent, Energy push (1d6/2 levels, max 5d6), Energy stun (1d6/level, max 5d6), Inflict pain, Mental disruption, Mass missive, Object reading, Psionic scent, Sense link forced, Sensitivity to psychic impressions
3rd- Hostile empathic transfer, Hustle, Mental barrier, Psionic blast, Strength of my enemy, Telekinetic force (+50 lb per spell level), Touchsight
4th- Correspond, Telekinetic maneuver
5th- Clairtangent hand, Energy current
6th- Crystallize
8th- Hypercognition
9th- Genesis, Metafaculty, True creation
New spells (from Mind Unveiled; no augmentation or scaling unless noted):
1st- Localized teleportation, Mind assault, Untouchable aura
2nd- Force burst (1d8/level, max 5d8)
3rd- Mindhunter, Sickening touch
4th- Fear cascade
5th- Nauseating touch (sickening touch w/4 pt augment)
Casting a spell of the highest level you can cast requires a minimum of 1 full-round action (unless it can normally be cast as a swift or immediate action). Lower-level spells have their normal casting time.
Spellcasting deals nonlethal damage equal to the level of the spell. Abilities that would normally require you to expend a spell slot (such as the Arcane Blast feat) instead require you to suffer nonlethal damage equal to the spell slot that would normally be expended. The maximum spell level you can cast is unchanged.
Optional system: Healing magic converts lethal damage to nonlethal damage. Magic cannot heal nonlethal damage. Fast healing and regeneration heal nonlethal damage as normal.
Once you have taken damage (from any source, whether lethal or nonlethal) equal to ½ your total hp, you are fatigued. If you are already fatigued, you become exhausted instead. Once you have taken damage equal to ¾ your total hp, you are exhausted. This fatigue and exhaustion cannot be removed until the hp damage is raised above the necessary amount, but healing the damage automatically removes the fatigue or exhaustion.
Spell save DCs are based on caster level rather than spell level. The save DC of any spell is equal to 10 +1/2 your caster level +your primary spellcasting ability score modifier.
Metamagic feats increase the cost of the spell as though it were a spell of the higher-level slot. The maximum spell level you can cast is unchanged. Unlike in the normal rules, spontaneous casters do not increase the casting time of their spells, and prepared casters can apply metamagic feats to their spells on the fly. Spells prepared with metamagic feats automatically gain the benefits of Heighten Spell without requiring that feat–for instance, an empowered fireball is treated as a 5th level spell in all ways, including concentration DCs and the ability to bypass a globe of invulnerability. A spontaneous caster who enhances his spells through sorcery
Ravaging: Whenever a spellcaster casts a spell, he can spend a swift action to ravage his environment, transferring the cost of spellcasting to the nearby environment. Every living or undead creature within 30’ of the mage takes 1 point of lethal damage per spell level (a successful Fort or Will save, whichever is better, negates this damage; DC 10 + spell level + mage’s spellcasting ability score modifier). Within this radius, all plant life is affected as by the “stunt growth” option of diminish plants. If an area is ever ravaged more than once in 24 hours, the land begins to wither, and over the next week all plants in the area die. Nothing will grow in that area until it has been cleansed and restored using hallow and plant growth or more powerful magic such as miracle or wish. If there is no life (or unlife) within 30’, the character cannot ravage and must use his own personal reserves.
Ravaging is an indescribably evil act; any spellcaster who ravages gains an aura of evil as a cleric of his caster level for 24 hours; anyone using detect evil or a similar effect can sense whether the mage has ravaged an area within that time. Mages who ravage frequently are called nulthari. However, mages continue to ravage their environment for magical energy because of the numerous benefits they gain from the practice. Beginning at 1st level, any spell cast in the same round that a mage ravages the environment does not inflict nonlethal damage on the mage.
At 5th level, any spell cast in the same round that a mage ravages the environment has its effective caster level increased by +1.
At 9th level, any spell cast in the same round that a mage ravages the environment has its save DC increased by +1.
At 13th level, any spell cast in the same round that a mage ravages the environment can be modified by any one of the following metamagic feats without affecting the casting time or effective spell level, even if the mage does not possess the metamagic feat: Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Enlarge Spell, or Extend Spell.
At 17th level, any spell cast in the same round that a mage ravages the environment has its save DC increased by +2.