Eldar Skeleton

Skeleton, Eldar


Skeleton, Eldar

Challenge Rating: 1

Size: M

Type: Undead

Initiative: +5



Hit Points: 33

Armor Class: 15  touch 13, flat-footed 12(+2 DEX, +2 Natural, +1 Dodge )

Saves: Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3



Speed: 35

Base Attack: +1

Melee: +2 Long Sword (1d8+1) or 2 Claws +2 (1d4+1)

Ranged: +3 Longbow (1d8)

Special Attacks: –

Sanity Effects: First encounter 0/1d2



Abilities: STR 13, DEX 15, CON 0, INT 0, WIS 10, CHA  1

Skills: Acrobatics +2, Athletics +1,  Awareness +1, Endurance +0, Knowledge -, Persuasion -, Spellcraft -, Survival +0, Thievery +2

Talents: 2 points or recommended: Dodge, Improved Initiative

Special Qualities: DR 5/Bludgeoning, Darkvision 60’, immune to cold



Environment: Any ruins

Organization: Any


Treasure: Standard


Stunning Scream

As a free action, the skeleton unnaturally bellows, which sends a sonic scream at a single opponent and causes them to become dazed. A DC13 will save to negate.


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